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Global Learning Experiences

Global learning is a great way to gain new insights and experiences to people a world citizen.

Capstone: Education Office of the Spanish Embassy


As an intern for the Education Office of the Spanish Embassy, I worked with different consulates around the U.S. and Canada to bring awareness for the North American Language and Culture Assistant Program. In addition, I worked with different interns to create informative and cultural posts for the embassy. Before creating the content, I had to do research and organize the information gathered. In general, we worked together as a team to put information together to share with students to inform them about the NALCAP program and the impact they can make. This internship helped with communication skills and team work. As a team, we were helping students develop their language skills to help others do the same. 


Circle K International

During my time at FIU, I started Circle K International: a student-led organization focused on providing community service and empowering student to become world leaders. Later on, I became the president and organized different service project to help the community. The service projects included park cleanups, food drives and distribution along with other classmates. With this organization, I was able to grow as a leader and a a community servant. It showed me that we can help the communities in many ways with clean ups, tutoring and even kindness. 

Aerial View of Islands

The round table discussions gave a lot of insights on global issues, spread awareness, and different perspective on issues. The discussion helped see things in a different way. For example, the '' Water Rights and Water Security'' TTR showed how important freshwater is and the scarcity we have around the world. It makes an impact because it spread awareness about the importance of water in many places such as Ethiopia and other places in the world. For me, it helped understand how the scarcity of water can lead to climate change, pollution and affect certain communities. Another example is the ''Virtual Tabadul'' TTR. This conversation was about how we can create relations with international students and students from around the world through virtual exchange. As an international relations student, it was a helpful to understand how it works because it helps me create relations with students from universities around the world. With COIL, I had the chance of interacting with students in India and we had the chance to work together. 


Ignite- Miami Climate 

During this meeting, we discussed on climate change is impacting Miami and how it impact our community throughout the year. The climate change can lead to make the water rise which can be detrimental to Miami. People can be impact negatively with climate change and their financial stability. For example, seas are projected to rise in Miami Dade by more than 15 inches in the next 30 years. It brings awareness about how our climate is changing so we can do something about it and start helping others to understand. As a student living in Miami, it is important for me to understand this issue to educate myself and help the cause. We have to start acting now and using our voice to encourage other to help the cause. As Miami residents, we have to start taking care of our environment and help decrease climate change by starting with small steps. Now, I know about the issue and educate other as well to know about it. 

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